Musculo-skeletal disorders: This is an umbrellar term covering disorders which affect the musculo-skeletal system, such as joint sprains and muscle strains. These can be caused from accidents and injuries, but can also occur for no specific reason
Childhood conditions: This is also known as acute paediatrics, which includes conditions such as Talipes, Torticollis, Erb's Palsy, Mild developmental delay, and toe walking (generally in the under 5 years group), to growing pains in older children. For neurological conditions such as Cerebral Palsy, it is recommended to have been under the guidance of a physio linked with either a Paediatrian or a school, but a maintenance programme can be carried out if required
Occupational Health & Ergonomics: This is addressing the implication of work / work tasks on recovery and rehabilitation. It includes advice on carrying out work, returning / remaining at work following a period of symptoms and even work place visits (if authorised by the employer), such as desk set up, car / van set up or even task performance review. This is important to determine whether any adjustments are required to aid recovery, and to also reduce the likelihood of work-related symptom recurrence and aggravation
Chronic Condition Management: This is educating people into ways to manage chronic conditions such as Chronic Fatigue, Chronic pain, Hyperventilation, Panic attacks and anxiety disorders. It covers a range of topics from specific exercise advice, to lifestyle advice.